Friday, June 22, 2012

Part 4 - A Case for Joseph Smith; A Case Against Polygamy

A Case for Joseph Smith; A Case Against Polygamy

As we have lately been credibly informed, that an Elder of the Church of Jesus Christ, of Latter-day Saints, by the name of Hiram Brown, has been preaching Polygamy, and other false and corrupt doctrines, in the county of Lapeer, state of Michigan.
This is to notify him and the Church in general, that he has been cut off from the church, for his iniquity; and he is further notified to appear at the Special Conference, on the 6th of April next, to make answer to these charges.
Presidents of said Church.”

“Resolved unanimously.  That while we render credence to the doctrines of Paul, that neither the man is without the woman; neither is the woman without the man in the Lord, yet we raise our voices and hands against John C. Bennett’s ‘spiritual wife system,’ as a scheme of profligates to seduce women; and they that harp upon it, wish to make it popular for the convenience of their own cupidity; wherefore, while the marriage bed, undefiled is honorable, let polygamy, bigamy, fornication[,] adultery, and prostitution, be frowned out of the hearts of honest men to drop in the gulf of fallen nature, ‘where the worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched!’ and let all the saints say, Amen!”  – The Relief Society (March 20, 1844)

“History of Joseph Smith”

Joseph began the year of 1844 by republishing a revelation from the Doctrine and Covenants on marriage.  When Joseph was killed he was in the process of publishing his PERSONAL history entitled “History of Joseph Smith.”  In his January 1844 account the Prophet published a revelation which he had received in 1831, which stated that a man was to have but one wife.  Joseph prefaced the revelation with an explanation of how he came to receive the word of God on the subject of marriage.  Joseph wrote:

“About this time came Lemon Copley, one of the sect called Shaking Quakers; and embraced the fullness of the everlasting gospel, apparently honest hearted, but still retained ideas that the Shakers were right in some particulars of their faith [which included the belief that it was not right to marry]; and in order to have more perfect understanding on the subject [of marriage], I inquired of the Lord and received the following revelation.

Revelation to Sidney Rigdon, Parley P. Pratt, and Lemon Copley, given March 1831 . . . .

‘And again, I say unto you, that whoso forbiddeth to marry, is not ordained of God, for marriage is ordained of God unto man: wherefore it is lawful that he should have one wife, and they twain shall be one flesh, and all this that the earth might answer the end of its creation: and that it might be filled with the measure of man, according to his creation before the world was made.’”  Times and Seasons 5 [January 15, 1844]: 401–402 (emphasis added); see also D&C 49:16 (May 1831) (“Wherefore, it is lawful that he should have one wife, and they twain shall be one flesh, and all this that the earth might answer the end of its creation.”)

According to the claims of the LDS Church (excluding Brigham Young’s ridiculous claims that polygamy was first revealed in 1829), Joseph supposedly revealed the doctrine of polygamy in 1831.  See B.H. Roberts, A Comprehensive History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, vol. ii, p. 95 (“As early as 1831 the rightfulness of a plurality of wives under certain limitations and special conditions was made known to Joseph Smith.”); see also the Testimony of Orson Pratt, 1878, Millennial Star, vol. xl, nos. 49, 50 (“Joseph had made known to [Lyman Johnson] as early as 1831, that plural marriage was a correct principle.”).  Do the LDS Church’s claims match Joseph’s statements written in his personal journal?
“On Marriage” Declaration Against Polygamy
The editor of the Millennial Star also sounded the warning against polygamy, and quoted from the article “On Marriage” which had been unanimously accepted as the law of the Church at Kirtland, and was published as the marriage law in the 1835 Edition of the Doctrine and Covenants.  The writer advised:

“And on another subject we wish furthermore to add, that we, as a church, believe that all legal contracts of marriage, made before a person is baptized into this church, should be held sacred and be fulfilled.  Inasmuch as this church of Christ has been reproached with the crime of fornication and polygamy, we declare that we believe, that one man should have but one wife, and one woman but one husband, except in case of death, when either is at liberty to marry again . . . .

We wish these doctrines to be taught by all that are in the ministry, that the people may know our faith respecting them, and also to correct the public mind in respect to the church; and we hope, that the Saints will hearken to this counsel for their own good, and for the prosperity of the cause of God.”  The Latter-Day Saints’ Millennial Star 4 [January 1844]: 144 (emphasis added).

Joseph and Hyrum Expelled Elder Hiram Brown for Teaching Polygamy
Presidents Joseph and Hyrum Smith were informed that Elder Hiram Brown of Michigan was preaching the doctrine of polygamy and other corrupt doctrines, and they took immediate action by cutting him off from the Church.   Joseph and Hyrum Smith made the following formal public announcement [Times and Seasons 5 [February 1, 1844]: 423 (emphasis added)]. 


As we have lately been credibly informed, that an Elder of the Church of Jesus Christ, of Latter-day Saints, by the name of Hiram Brown, has been preaching Polygamy, and other false and corrupt doctrines, in the county of Lapeer, state of Michigan.

This is to notify him and the Church in general, that he has been cut off from the church, for his iniquity; and he is further notified to appear at the Special Conference, on the 6th of April next, to make answer to these charges.

Presidents of said Church.”

It is apparent, Joseph and Hyrum took severe public action against Elder Brown.  Joseph and Hyrum could have relegated this action to another Church official, but they wanted everyone to know that Joseph and Hyrum opposed polygamy.  Again, there was no equivocation or denouncement of only the “unauthorized” practice of polygamy. 

As shown above, Joseph and Hyrum cut Brown off from the Church on February 1, 1844. The LDS Church claims that only six months earlier, on July 12, 1843, Joseph supposedly received the polygamous “revelation” known as Section 132 in the LDS Doctrine and Covenants (and nearly three years from which the LDS Church claims Joseph first revealed the doctrine).  Either Joseph and Hyrum were unabashed hypocrites and weak liars, or Section 132 is a fraud.

Please continue to Part 5 (

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